

siegfried portrait allies granblue fantasy relink wiki guide 250px
Race Human
Element earth element icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide Earth
Combat Style Defense, Tank
Skybound Art Schwarze Faenge
Weapon Specialty Greatsword

Siegfried is an Ally Character in Granblue Fantasy Relink. Siegfried is a special-type character and one of the heaviest allies in the game, he specializes in strong swings that can result in devastating attacks if it is perfectly timed. Allies or Companions in Granblue Fantasy Relink are recruitable characters that join The Captain's party in both exploration and combat.

They are all unique in many ways such as the element they control, weapon specialization, combat style, personality, and appearance. In Granblue Fantasy Relink, players can make a party of 4 where the leftmost slot is the one the player controls, but in the main story, The Captain must be in the party for the main story, otherwise, they can play as any character they like.


Once reviled as a traitor, that didn't stop this loyal knight from heroically saving his kingdom from crisis.


GBF Relink Siegfried Table of Contents

  1. Granblue Fantasy Relink How to Recruit Siegfried
  2. Granblue Fantasy Relink Siegfried Combat Guide
  3. Granblue Fantasy Relink Siegfried All Skills
  4. Granblue Fantasy Relink Siegfried All Weapons
  5. Granblue Fantasy Relink Siegfried Video Guides
  6. Granblue Fantasy Relink Siegfried Command List
  7. Granblue Fantasy Relink Siegfried Fate Episodes
  8. Granblue Fantasy Relink Siegfried Notes & Tips


How to Recruit Siegfried in GBF Relink


Siegfried Combat Guide for Granblue Fantasy Relink

The blood of a dragon flows through the veins of this powerful knight. He swings his greatsword with ease and cleaves enemies in twain.

Pressing continuously will perform a combo, while pressing will perform a launching attack that won't allow foes to interrupt your attack. While performing a combo, players can press which will deal more damage if performed at the right time.

Siegfried's skills are mostly Earth skills. His only plain skill is Manignance, pressing the X button will grant Siegfried an attack boost of 30% and increase his defenses by 30%. His first Earth skill is Uwe, pressing the button to allow Siegfried to perform a lunge multi-attack that can be chained to a  combo. This skill also grants Siegfried Stout Heart which allows him to be uninterrupted while performing this action despite taking damage, while performing this skill. Nelah Nav is another one of Siegfried's Earth skills, pressing  will allow Siegfried to unleash a slash that moves along with him and deals a large amount of damage and stunning enemies upon impact. His last earth skill is his L'Ombre d'Hier, pressing  will allow Siegfried to ready his weapon to parry and counter enemy attacks.

For a greatsword wielder, Siegfried's strikes are swift and true, despite the heavy bulk of his stature and choice of Weapon. That being said, his actual attack animations can be slower than the likes of, say Yodarha or even Gran. However, he himself has a lot of mobility. His skills can buff himself both offensively and defensively and then allow him to rush into the fray quickly and start dispatching multiple Enemies with his wide-range swings. His playstyle comes with the added aspect of having more Stun Power in his kit to fill up the Enemies' Stun gauge fairly quickly to allow for Link Attacks and ultimately get the party into Link Time, where his slow attacks become even more devastating in the face of time slowed down.

The timing of using his attacks and chaining his Skills together might feel a bit clunky for some, as his attack animations aren't that slow but they definitely aren't fast either. However, once players are able to nail down his playstyle, they will inevitably start to see his damage piling on. Repositioning will be the key as players can take advantage of his mobility while he's not attacking, and then attack at the perfect spot to capitalize on his attacks' wide hit-range.


GBF Relink Siegfried List of Skills

Offense Skills

  • Draconic Release: Grants ATK↑ to Sigfried. Effect grows stronger with each perfectly timed  attack. He loses the effect upon mistiming an attack.
  • L'Ombre d'Hier: Siegfried readies his weapon to parry and counter.
  • Nelah Nav: Unleashes a slash that travels along the ground and deals a high amount of stun.
  • Uwe: A multi-slash lunge attack chainable into a combo. Grants Stout Heart to Siegfried while executing the skill. 
  • Verdrangen: Unleashes a shockwave that travels in a straight line and inflicts DEF↓ on a direct hit.

Defense Skills

  • Manigance: Grants ATK↑ and DEF↑ to Siegfried.
  • Mirage: Grants DEF↑ to the entire party.
  • Salvator: Grants Debuff Immunity and Drain to the entire party.


Support Skills

  • Deliverance: Enhance perfectly timed ▢ attacks when they are chained in a combo.
  • Drachenblut: Foe attacks won't interrupt Siegfried while he's performing △ attacks.



GBF Relink Siegfried Weapons

Lvl hp icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide atk icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide crit hit rate icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide stun power icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide
Integrity 50 575 68 0% 0
Ascalon 65 746 143 0% 0
Windhose 65 505 135 0% 0
Hrunting 65 505 135 0% 0
Broadsword of Earth 65 644 120 0% 0
Balmung 1 99 1540 0% 0


Siegfried Character Video Guides for Granblue Fantasy Relink


Siegfried Granblue Fantasy Relink Command List

Attack Name Description
Combo A  >  >  >  > 
Combo B ▢ > (Perfect  >  >  > )
Combo C ▢ > (Perfect ▢ > ▢ > ▢ > ▢ >)
Lunge (Usable mid-combo)
Air Combo A (While airborne) ▢ > ▢ > ▢
Air Combo B (While airborne) ▢ > (Perfect ▢ > ▢)
Aerial Barrage (While airborne) 


Siegfried Fate Episodes

Fate Episodes are a special feature in the game wherein players get to see each Ally's point of view of the events that happen throughout the story. Each Episode is a fully-voiced diary entry of sorts that allows the player to peer into the mind of the character as the story progresses. More Fate Episodes are unlocked as players progress through the story, as the characters level up, and as players complete more Fate Episodes. Completing Fate Episodes rewards players with stat bonuses and even unlocks slots for equipping Sigils.




Prologue: The Devoted Knight None HP +10
ATK +3
Episode 1: A True Patriot Finish Prologue HP +15
ATK +5
Episode 2: The King's Man Finish Episode 1 HP +20
ATK +7
Episode 3: Military Intelligence Character level 10 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 2
HP +25
ATK +10
Episode 4: Seedhollow's Armed Forces Character level 10 or higher
Finish Episode 3
Additional Sigil Slot +1
Episode 5: Coolheaded Siegfried Character level 20 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 4
HP +50
ATK +15
Episode 6: Siegfried's Conviction Character level 30 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 5
HP +70
ATK +20
Episode 7: Pulling Strings Character level 40 or higher
Finish Episode 6
HP +100
ATK +25
Episode 8: A Little Help from the Shadows Character level 50 or higher
Finish Episode 7
Additional Sigil Slot +1
Episode 9: Future Ally Character level 60 or higher
Finish Episode 8
HP +150
ATK +30
Epilogue: My Work Is Done Here Character level 60 or higher
Finish Episode 9
HP +200
ATK +50


Siegfried Tips and Notes



Granblue Fantasy Relink All Allies
Cagliostro  ♦  Caligostro  ♦  Charlotta  ♦  Eugen  ♦  Ferry  ♦  Ghandagoza  ♦  Id  ♦  Io  ♦  Katalina  ♦  Lancelot  ♦  Narmaya  ♦  Percival  ♦  Rackam  ♦  Rolan  ♦  Rosetta  ♦  Seofon  ♦  The Captain  ♦  Tweyen  ♦  Vane  ♦  Vaseraga  ♦  Yodarha  ♦  Zeta


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