
Eternal Rage Grandmaster

ghandagoza portrait allies granblue fantasy relink wiki guide 250px
Race Draph
Element fire element icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide Fire
Combat Style Attack
Skybound Art Fist of the Red Lotus
Weapon Specialty Melee

Ghandagoza is an Ally Character in Granblue Fantasy Relink. Ghandagoza is a warrior who trusts the power of his fists, he is recommended to be used at close range combat where he can overwhelm his foes with his raging thrusts. Allies or Companions in Granblue Fantasy Relink are recruitable characters that join The Captain's party in both exploration and combat.

They are all unique in many ways such as the element they control, weapon specialization, combat style, personality, and appearance. In Granblue Fantasy Relink, players can make a party of 4 where the leftmost slot is the one the player controls, but in the main story, The Captain must be in the party for the main story, otherwise, they can play as any character they like.


Founder of the Eternal Rage style. He has accomplished many legendary feats with his furious fists.


GBF Relink Ghandagoza Table of Contents

  1. Granblue Fantasy Relink How to Recruit Ghandagoza
  2. Granblue Fantasy Relink Ghandagoza Combat Guide
  3. Granblue Fantasy Relink Ghandagoza All Skills
  4. Granblue Fantasy Relink Ghandagoza All Weapons
  5. Granblue Fantasy Relink Ghandagoza Video Guides
  6. Granblue Fantasy Relink Ghandagoza Command List
  7. Granblue Fantasy Relink Ghandagoza Fate Episodes
  8. Granblue Fantasy Relink Ghandagoza Notes & Tips


How to Recruit Ghandagoza in GBF Relink


Ghandagoza Combat Guide for Granblue Fantasy Relink

Ghandogoza, founder of the Eternal Rage Style, believes he can accomplish anything only the might of his fist. Any foe within his reach will be pulverized into dust.

When players continuously press to perform combos and if well timed, the attacks will be stronger and will complete a combo that raises his Eternal Rage. When his is charged, the attack power increases based on how much Eternal Rage, the Eternal Rage will gradually go away if not used on a foe.

Ghandagoza has a fire skill called Infernal Stomp that players can use with the  button, this lets Ghandagoza perform a stomp on the ground that will generate a shockwave that will damage enemies and inflict slow onto them causing them to move slower. His plain attack is called True Avidya and players can use the X button to activate. When activated, Ghandagoza will grant an attack boost of 25% to the whole party while increasing Ghandagoza's Enternal Rage. Another one of Ghandagoza's fire skills is the Iron Shoulder which can be activated by pressing the  button. This skill lets Ghandagoza perform a lunge attack that uses his mass and momentum. His last Fire skill is Ashat Skybreaker, players can activate this skill by pressing the △ button. This lets Ghandagoza leap into the air and then stomp down on the enemies creating a groundbreaking force that deals heavy damage to enemies.

Ghandagoza features a high-risk, high-reward playstyle that capitalizes on his innate defensive capabilities to fully unleash the potential of his attacks. With his gauntlets, he relies on timing the chaining of his attacks perfectly to build up his Eternal Gauge and ultimately use Raging Fist to sweep Enemies off the battlefield. This may be difficult for some players, as his attacks are slow and their high damage and wide range are offset by how slow his attack animations are. This can leave Ghandagoza vulnerable at times, especially if his attacks are not timed right in accordance with the Enemies' attack patterns. Nonetheless, when mastered, the rewards for his playstyle are great. He can buff the party, has a built-in parry, and can inflict slow onto his Enemies. Some of his attacks require charging, which means staying at a certain stance to charge up attacks, which inevitably means being vulnerable to attacks. His natural bulk helps with this aspect of his playstyle, but players should also do their best to pick the perfect time to charge up and unleash his devastating attacks.

In the game's showcase segment, the developers showed an example of an endgame loadout for Ghandagoza in terms of Weapons and Sigils. The Tyranny Sigil cuts down the user's HP stat to proportionately increase his ATK stat. Ghandagoza's innate tanky stats allow for this, and this also furthers his high-risk, high-reward gameplay. Another Sigil mentioned was the Enmity Sigil, which also increases his ATK stat proportionate to his missing HP in a battle. While players of course should do their best to dodge or guard against life-threatening attacks, any attacks that do hit Ghandagoza are converted to strength with this Sigil.


GBF Relink Ghandagoza List of Skills

Offense Skills

  • Arhat Skybreaker: Leaps into the air and stomps down on foes in front of Ghandagoza with groundbreaking force.
  • Branding Palm: Ghandagoza readies to parry and counter and gathers Eternal Rage upon countering.
  • Eternal Rage: Instantly maxes out Ghandagoza's Eternal Rage.
  • Infernal Stomp: Stomps the ground to generate an earth-shattering shockwave that damages foes and inflicts Slow.
  • Iron Shoulder: A fast lunge attack that utilizes Ghandoagoza's mass and momentum.
  • True Avidya: Grants ATK↑ to the entire party and increases Ghadagoza's Eternal Rage.

Defense Skills

  • Dhyana: Restores Ghandagoza's HP and removes all debuffs.
  • Lion Stance: Grants Hostility↑, Stout Heart, and Jammed to Ghandagoza.


Support Skills

  • Enter the Fist: Enhances perfectly timed  attacks when they are chained in a combo.
  • Eternal Rage Style: Ghandagoza's Raging Fist charges faster and deals more damage based on his Eternal Rage, Combo finishers and link attacks father Eternal Rage.



GBF Relink Ghandagoza Weapons

Lvl hp icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide atk icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide crit hit rate icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide stun power icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide
Brahma Gauntlet 50 575 68 0% 0
Golden Fists of Ura 65 746 143 0% 0
Arkab 65 505 135 0% 0
Crimson Finger 40 302 59 0% 0
Rope Knuckles 65 644 120 0% 0
Sky Piercer 1 99 1540 0% 0


Ghandagoza Character Video Guides for Granblue Fantasy Relink


Ghadagoza Granblue Fantasy Relink Command List

Note:  Raises Eternal Rage on hit

Attack Name Description
Combo A  >  >  >  > 
Combo B > (Perfect  >  >  > )
Raging Fist △ (Hold)
Launch (Right after jumping) 
Air Combo A (While airborne)  >  > 
Air Combo B (While airborne)  > (Perfect  > )
Aerial Barrage (While Airborne) 


Ghandagoza Fate Episodes

Fate Episodes are a special feature in the game wherein players get to see each Ally's point of view of the events that happen throughout the story. Each Episode is a fully-voiced diary entry of sorts that allows the player to peer into the mind of the character as the story progresses. More Fate Episodes are unlocked as players progress through the story, as the characters level up, and as players complete more Fate Episodes. Completing Fate Episodes rewards players with stat bonuses and even unlocks slots for equipping Sigils.




Prologue None HP +10
ATK +3
Episode 1 Finish Prologue HP +15
ATK +5
Episode 2 Finish Episode 1 HP +20
ATK +7
Episode 3 Character level 10 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 2
HP +25
ATK +10
Episode 4 Character level 10 or higher
Finish Episode 3
Additional Sigil Slot +1
Episode 5 Character level 20 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 4
HP +50
ATK +15
Episode 6 Character level 30 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 5
HP +70
ATK +20
Episode 7 Character level 40 or higher
Finish Episode 6
HP +100
ATK +25
Episode 8 Character level 50 or higher
Finish Episode 7
Additional Sigil Slot +1
Episode 9 Character level 60 or higher
Finish Episode 8
HP +150
ATK +30
Epilogue Character level 60 or higher
Finish Episode 9
HP +200
ATK +50


Ghandagoza Tips and Notes



Granblue Fantasy Relink All Allies
Cagliostro  ♦  Caligostro  ♦  Charlotta  ♦  Eugen  ♦  Ferry  ♦  Id  ♦  Io  ♦  Katalina  ♦  Lancelot  ♦  Narmaya  ♦  Percival  ♦  Rackam  ♦  Rolan  ♦  Rosetta  ♦  Seofon  ♦  Siegfried  ♦  The Captain  ♦  Tweyen  ♦  Vane  ♦  Vaseraga  ♦  Yodarha  ♦  Zeta

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