Stats for Granblue Fantasy Relink covers all the helpful information regarding Character Stats and each of their effects. Stats directly affect a character's growth, especially in combat. Each of the Stats in Granblue Fantasy Relink governs the character's tolerance or offensive measure against its environment and against the characters' EnemiesStats play a large role in how players would like to play their favorite characters in the game and will be pivotal when building any of them during postgame, especially in tackling the content with the hardest difficulties. This page covers all the Stats in the game and how they affect different mechanics in the game.

Certain Stats are modified or get interactions in certain ways through the different Status Effects in the game. For a list of all the Status Effects, visit our page here.


Granblue Fantasy Relink Stats Guide

What are Stats in GBF Relink

Stats in Granblue Fantasy Relink are numerical attributes that contribute to a character's offensive and defensive capabilities, which contribute to their overall performance in combat engagements. Generally, the better the character's Stats are, the more effective the character is against in-game challenges such as Enemies and Bosses. Some Stats affect important aspects of the game's combat directly, which allows players to customize and build their characters as they see fit.

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Players will also want to prioritize building up some Stats over others, depending on the playstyle or role they'd want a particular character to play, for a particular challenge they're about to face, may it be through the Main Quests or Side Quests.

How to Increase Stats in GBF Relink

There are a number of things that affect the characters' Stats in Granblue Fantasy Relink. Through natural progression, some of the characters' Stats will increase every time that Character levels up. As characters fight Enemies to earn EXP and level up, they also earn MSP which is used for their Masteries, where MSP can be spent to sometimes increase their StatsWeapons also contribute their base stats and add them right onto the Stats of the character equipping them. On top of this, each Weapon will have its own Traits that can contribute further to the character's Stats, or at least interact with them in beneficial ways. Finally, Sigils, which characters will be able to equip multiples of later on, also have Traits that may contribute to the character's Stats. There are multiple avenues for players to be able to customize how their Stats are spread out and how their character builds them up.

For more in-depth information on the following aspects of the game, click on the following links:


Character Progression in Granblue Fantasy Relink

EXP and Leveling in GBF Relink

Whenever the player defeats any Enemies, all of their characters, whether they are in the active party or not receive a set amount of EXP which shows up in small gold letters right as the Enemy is slain. After players finish the main campaign, however, your benched characters will no longer share EXP with your active members. When characters gain a certain amount of EXP, they will level up. Every time they do, the amount of EXP needed to reach the next level increases exponentially. Later on in the game, you'll also be getting certain Items like the Copper Spellbook and the Silver Spellbook that give your choice of character raw EXP when consumed.

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When a character levels up, the game makes it quite known with an indication above their in-game sprite in larger gold letters. Indicators on the left-hand side of the screen will also be shown along with all the loot acquired from defeating the target. When characters level up, they automatically get an increase in their HP and ATK Stats. The quantity that these Stats increase will be befitting of that character's initial or intended role. Aside from defeating Enemies, more EXP can be accumulated by completing Quests in the town areas, and through the Quest Center. Character levels can be grinded to reach a maximum level of 100.

Reaching Max Level in GBF Relink

Once Characters reach the maximum level of 100, they can no longer be leveled up regardless of how much EXP they earn from defeating Enemies and completing Quests. However, their Character progression isn't really stunted, as the game will instead reward them with Knickknack Vouchers and MSP for each certain number of EXP accumulated.

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Knickknack Vouchers are special currency items that are exchanged at Siero's Knickknack Shop for Sigils and other valuable items or materials. MSP on the other hand is a special currency that is used to acquire nodes in the Characters' Masteries which can get them active Skills and passive boosts. As mentioned previously, both Sigils and Masteries can contribute to increasing characters' Stats, so players are encouraged to keep grinding even past the maximum level of 100.


GBF Relink All Stats

hp icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide Health Point

Health Point is the main defensive Stat of the character in Granblue Fantasy Relink. Like most games, the character's Health Points will decrease every time they are hit by attacks from Enemies. When it drops down to zero, the character goes into Critical Mode and will have to rely on the other characters in the active party to revive them. Given that this is the main defensive Stat in the game, it will be important for players to build characters that they intend to tank or support with as much HP as appropriate for the role. Otherwise, some Traits actually allow characters to sacrifice their defensive capabilities in exchange for damage.

atk icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide Attack

Attack is the main offensive Stat of the character in Granblue Fantasy Relink. The damage dealt to Enemies from any attacks and hits originating from Characters will primarily scale off of this Stat. Players who want to build Characters toward DPS roles will want to capitalize on this Stat and max it out for maximum damage. The next Stat can also be prioritized for DPS roles depending on their playstyle. As mentioned previously, Weapons will contribute primarily to both the HP and ATK Stats of characters.


crit hit rate icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide Critical Hit Rate

Critical Hit Rate is an offensive Stat that increases the rate at which the character hits Enemies for Critical Damage. Critical Damage is dealt at a certain multiplier but only occurs by chance, and at a slim percentage. Critical Hit Rate makes it so that this big burst of damage has the potential to occur plenty more times anytime the character hits their targets. This Stat can be good to build up on characters that can hit targets multiple times in as little time as possible, as they'll have more chances to hit for Critical Damage compared to slower characters. Slower characters that swing for heavier stronger attacks can also benefit from this Stat if it's built up to be as close to 100% as possible, as it more or less guarantees that that one heavy hit hits like a truck. Critical Damage also ignores any defensive resistances.

stun power icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide Stun Power

Stun Power is a semi-utility type of offensive Stat as it capitalizes on certain mechanics of the game's combat system. All Enemies, and Enemy parts for the bigger ones, each have their own Stun Gauge, which depletes as they're hit by the player's characters. When depleted, players are able to have their characters unleash a Link Attack. When the points garnered by Link Attacks reach 100%, the next time every party member performs a Link Attack, Link Time activates automatically. In this state, Enemies become slowed while the entire party gains increased damage, health regeneration, and cooldown reduction on their Skills. Stun Power increases the damage that characters do to their targets Stun Gauges. Additionally, the more Stun Power a character has, the easier it is for them to destroy breakable parts of bigger Enemies and Bosses. Breaking parts of bigger Enemies can turn the tide of battle and grant more rewards after the target is completely slain.


Granblue Fantasy: Relink Hidden Stats


Defense isn't really clearly mentioned or named as one of the Stats of your character. However, it is clear that it exists and functions as a hidden defensive Stat that reduces or resists damage taken from Enemy attacks. This is because certain Status Effects and even a Trait called Garrison interact with this Stat, which means it has a real effect on the character's combat prowess.


Similar to Defense, Speed isn't actually shown as an actual Stat for your characters, but we know that it exists due to certain Status Effects. Restrictive Status Ailments Frostbite, Petrified, Slow, and Sandtomb specifically hinder either the target's Action Speed or Movement Speed, which means that this is a Stat that can affect how well your characters can move offensively and evasively in battle.


While PWR isn't exactly a hidden Stat, what's hidden is actually what goes into this calculation. Players should be able to recognize this Stat whenever they build their party or view their characters. Mainly, players can see this whenever they pick out Quests from the Quest Center, as each has a recommended PWR level. Naturally, stronger characters, in terms of stronger Weapon levels and character levels, equate to a stronger PWR rating, however, it is not known which Stats contribute to this calculation exactly. However, the calculation seems to favor the HP Stat, as a higher PWR rating noticeably results in giving characters higher HP Stats.


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