Omen Stones

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Omen stones can be found throughout Zegagrande. Traveler beware—mighty foes are sealed within.

Omen Stones in Grandblue Fantasy Relink are black ominous stones that illuminate a purple glow with red smoke around them. There are several Omen Stones that players can find in different locations throughout the game, this page will cover their locations, more details on what they are, and how to use them.

  • Please visit the Walkthrough page for Granblue Fantasy Relink (GBF Relink) for a detailed guide on the main story.
  • You can also check our Game Progress Route page for Granblue Fantasy Relink (GBF Relink)  for a summarized progression path.


What are Omen Stones in Granblue Fantasy Relink? 

Omen Stones are black with a purple glow with red smoke surrounding them. These stones can be found in several locations throughout the game sometimes near objective areas but can also be hard to miss as some may be in darker corners or closer to walls or in isolated areas where players might pass by. Players can interact with them to get into something like a mini-game where players will need to defeat pacts of enemies under a certain time limit and will gain rewards. You can click on the images below to enlarge them.

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Interacting with Omen Stones in GBF Relink

timer omen stones granblue fantasy relink wiki guide 400pxOnce players spot an Omen Stone, head over and simply press the B button to interact with it and a warning screen will pop up asking if players are ready to fight with the monsters that are sealed in the Omen Stone. Once accepted, there will be a timer where players will need to defeat all the pacts of enemies before the timer runs out otherwise the enemies will be sealed back into the Omen Stone. Worry not, players can always come back to the same Omen Stone and try again.


Granblue Fantasy Relink Omen Stones Notes & Tips

  • Notes, Tips, and Other Trivia for Omen Stones in Granblue Fantasy Relink.


How Many Omen Stones are there in GBF Relink?

  • In Chapter 1, there are no Omen Stones to interact with.
  • In Chapter 2, there are 2 Omen Stones to interact with.
  • In Chapter 3, there is 1 Omen Stone to interact with.
  • In Chapter 4, there are no Omen Stones to interact with.
  • In Chapter 5, there are 2 Omen Stones to interact with.
  • In Chapter 6, there are 2 Omen Stones to interact with.
  • In Chapter 7, there are no Omen Stones to interact with.
  • In Chapter 8, there is 1 Omen Stone to interact with.
  • In Chapter 9, there are 2 Omen Stones to interact with.
  • In the Final Chapter, there are no Omen Stones to interact with.
  • In Chapter 0, there are ??? Omen Stones to interact with.


All Omen Stones Locations in Granblue Fantasy Relink

Chapter 2: Tempest on the Horizon
Chapter 3: Creation of the Stars
Chapter 5: Shadows in the Snowscape
Chapter 6: In Search of Hope
Chapter 8: Relink
Chapter 9: Opposing Wills
Chapter 0: Skybound Heart


GBF Relink Chapter 2: Tempest on the Horizon All Omen Stone Locations

The Hills: By the Windmill

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  • Main Location: The Hill


Upon reaching The Hills, and gaining the Rescue the islanders at other settlements quest, players will reach the windmill settlement first, liberate the area, and find the windmill at the end of the hill, nearby is an Omen Stone. However, players will not be able to activate this yet.

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The Hills: By the Survivors

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  • Main Location: The Hills


When players reach The Hills, head down the path and follow the objectives to Search for the islanders who failed to escape. Eventually, players will pass a large wooden archway to get to the waterfront settlement. Liberate this area and there will be an Omen Stone in the corner towards the left that glows in purple and red. This means players can interact with it.

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GBF Relink Chapter 3: Creation of the Stars

Tempeal Mine: Before the Primal Beast Battle

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  • Main Location: Tempeal Mine


Upon reaching the Tempeal Mine follow the checkpoints until you what looks like an arena. Once you drop down there will be pacts of enemies that players will have to defeat. Upon dropping down to the arena, the Omen Stone can be seen on the right.

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GBF Relink Chapter 5: Shadows in the Snowscape

Leagutagne Island: Nazarbonju Arena

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  • Main Location: Leagutagne Island


After defeating the boss Nazarbonju, there will be an Omen Stone within the arena. There will be an opening for players to continue on, turn around and players will see the Omen Stone.

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Decrepit Monastery: Protecting Historiath

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  • Main Location: Leagutagne Island


Players will have to protect Historiath as she is performing an incantation to open the doors to the Monastery, there will be a horde of enemies around so after protecting her and upon opening the door, players can find the Omen Stone to the left of the area.

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GBF Relink Chapter 6: In Search of Hope

Dahli Island: Griffin Arena


  • Main Location: Dahli Island


Follow the markers until you reach the boss the Griffin, players will need to defeat the Griffon as its protecting the seal. Upon defeating the seal, players can find the Omen stone at the back of the arena.

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Dahli Island

  • Main Location: Dahli Island


While exploring the area, there is an Omen Stone located on one of the higher grounds of the desert overlooking the ruins. 

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GBF Relink Chapter 8: Relink

Seedhollow Castle: Tayu'Itar Battle Arena


  • Main Location: Seedhollow


After players defeat Tayu'Itar, later there will be a battle of several other Tayu'Itars. At this point, players can use the beaten Tayu'Itar to destroy the other Tayu'Itar and neutralize the enemy ships. An Omen Stone can be seen in the upper right corner upon entering the arena.

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GBF Relink Chapter 9: Opposing Wills

Pillar of Vayoi: Furycane Nihilla Arena

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  • Main Location: Pillar of Vayoi



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Pillar of Vayoi: Passage to False Hopes

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  • Main Location: Pillar of Vayoi


After defeating the boss Managarmr Nihilla, there will be an entrance players can get through. Follow the markers and eventually, players will be able to find an Omen Stone on the left.

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GBF Relink Chapter 0: Skybound Heart

Chapter 0 GBF Relink Omen Stone: Location #1


  • Main Location: TBA


  • No Omen Stones have been found in this chapter location. Check back here for updates!

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