Online and Multiplayer for Granblue Fantasy Relink contains information on the various features that online mode features. Online Coop in Granblue Fantasy Relink can host up to four players and complete certain side quests in the game. Players will engage in a myriad of activities such as slaying normal enemies or bringing down iconic bosses. Players are allowed to choose their desired character when participating in online sessions with their preferred loadouts as well.
Granblue Fantasy Relink Online and Multiplayer Guide
You can tackle quests with other players by going online. If you're on Playstation, online requires a subscription and sign-in to PlayStation®Plus. If you're on Steam, You need the latest version of the game to play online.
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If you're on Playstation, Matchmaking with players on platforms other than the PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5 is not available. If you're on Steam, Matchmaking with players on platforms other than Steam is not available.
How to Play Online in Granblue Fantasy Relink
Creating a Session
Go to the quest counter and select Play Online. After configuring the Session Settings to your liking, your session will be created with you as the leader.
- Session Settings - Configure various options that will be applied to your session. Your player name is the name that is displayed while playing online.
The following features become available at the quest counter after creating a session:
- Invite - Select players from a variety of lists and invite them to the session.
- Leave Online Party - Leave the online party and go offline.
Undertaking Quests
Only the session leader can undertake a quest. However, other party members can make a request to the leader to select a quest they want to play. To finish undertaking a quest, you must configure Matchmaking Settings. If Matchmaking Method is set to Open, and your party has less than 4 online players, the remaining slots will be filled by random players. To play the quest with only the current players in your party, set Matchmaking Method to Closed. If the party has less than 4 online players, CPU characters in the leader's party will fill in the remaining slots.
Wrapping Up a Quest
Players can vote to repeat the quest at the end of a quest. All players must vote to repeat the quest, otherwise the party will return to town. If you select Abandon Quest during a quest, you'll leave the online party and return to town in offline mode.
Communicating With Players
Communication is done through stickers, emotes, quick chat, and auto expressions. You can also type and send messages. Words that have been flagged as inappropriate will be obscured. When sending messages to others, please adhere to the Granblue Fantasy: Relink Terms of Service, and be considerate of the community.
Joining Another Player's Session
Select Join from the invite that another player sent you. You can also join another player's session as a regular party member.
- Accept an Invite
- Go to the quest counter and select Search for Online Sessions.
You can search for sessions in the following ways:
- Search by Criteria: Search for sessions that meet the criteria you set.
- Search Friends List: Search for sessions your friends have already joined.
- Enter Session ID: Join a session by entering its session ID. (Password-protected sessions require a password to join. If you're joining by session ID, you won't need to enter a password.)
Departing for the Quest
After the leader has undertaken a quest, all party members need to confirm that they're ready. The quest will start once all players have done so. If any player doesn't meet the requirements to participate in the selected quest, the party won't be able to depart on that quest.
Inability to Join by Invite
If you're unable to join a session after being invited, ask the leader to send another invite, or try joining from the PlayStation®5/PlayStation®4 Home screen. You can also try joining by entering the session ID if you're on PC.
Kicking Players
Players can be kicked from the party. Go to Co-Op Settings and then Check Party Members. Select the player and choose Kick from the submenu.
- If you're the session leader, the selected player will be removed from the party.
- If you're not the session leader, you'll send a request to kick a player to the leader. When the leader receives this request, they can press to remove that player.
- The leader can't be kicked from the session.
- If a player is kicked during a quest, a CPU character will take their place.
Everything We Know About GBF Relink Online
Granblue Fantasy Relink Online Multiplayer
Granblue Fantasy Relink is a game that offers a lot of replayability when playing online multiplayer, especially when tackling end-game content. In this game, end-game content revolves around high-difficulty side quests that players can complete by playing with other players online. The game emphasizes the importance of party synergy, where each character can offer unique advantages and abilities. By utilizing the strengths of each party member and coordinating their attacks, players can unleash devastating combos and overcome challenging encounters. Mixing and matching party members to find the best strategies to beat certain bosses will provide hours of engaging and immersive experience. Additionally, Granblue Fantasy Relink provides players with a wealth of content to explore even after completing the main quest line.
To overcome the toughest challenges in the game, it is essential to master the combat mechanics and party synergy. Recent interviews and livestreams from the developers suggest that effective communication within the party is crucial to succeed in these challenges. As an action role-playing game, players must have polished skills to excel. According to the developers, end-game challenges are designed to be immersive and satisfying for hardcore players, but they require proper communication to be completed successfully.
A team is composed of four members and it is essential that each player communicates effectively and works together in terms of their skills and timing. By participating in various online sessions, players can earn rewards such as crafting materials or currencies that can be used to advance their progress.
Types of Quest in Granblue Fantasy Relink
The developers already confirmed that players can enjoy more than 100 hours of content if they desire to engage and complete all the Side Quests in the game. The said Side Quest has different objectives such as defeating a horde of enemies, defending a specific point or a target, and finally, defeating unique and challenging bosses. We have yet to see if there will be other modes or objectives other than the ones mentioned.
Online Quest Rewards in Granblue Fantasy Relink
Judging from our experience, players will be incentivized when participating in Online Sessions by getting bonus rewards and possibly, unique and exclusive rewards when playing High-level quests. These rewards mainly revolve around crafting materials, currencies, and possibly exclusive gears. The end-game quest likely provides the rarest of the materials. And as mentioned previously, end-game quests may be challenging especially when playing solo thus, this is where Online Multiplayer shines.
Players can ask for other player's aid when playing online to potentially alleviate the said difficulty. Leading to a rich gameplay loop. The recent live streams also confirmed that players will get equal rewards in terms of quantity after completing the said task and this can be done by opening all the chest rewards after the fight. However, we strongly believe that the material grade or even the material itself will be random, encouraging players to grind.
Crossplay in Grandblue Fantasy Relink
Although Granblue Fantasy Relink pays great attention to Online Multiplayer to engage its player base, it is worth noting that Crossplay between platforms will not be available. According to Cygames, they do not have plans to support crossplay shortly.
Player Expression in Granblue Fantasy Relink
In Granblue Fantasy Relink, players can select from a variety of stickers that feature different character portraits showcasing different playable characters within the game. Stickers are vibrant visual portraits that pop up when players select them from the menu. It enriches player communication and interaction during gameplay. It also allows players to express themselves and at the same time, feature charming visages of their favorite characters.
Players can choose from different stickers whether they want to commend a team member, greet fellow adventurers, or even use it as a tactical signal to coordinate strategies.
Accessing Online Sessions in Granblue Fantasy
You are ready to access Online Multiplayer but do not know where to start? The developers were keen to mention that online participants need to gather in towns. In Single Player mode, players can access optional quests to gather various materials that will aid their progress through quest counters that can be found in various towns in the game. In the same manner, players can engage or access online multiplayer through the said Quest Counters. As far as the live streams have shown us so far, the town will serve as an online hub where players can gather, change their load-outs, and finally embark on a quest.
Online Quest Preparations
As mentioned previously, towns will be the main locations where online locations will be held. Although the exact specifics of how forming a party works are yet to be known, the host is likely the only one who can select the desired quest in the Quest Counter, and the other members can only stand by and prepare for the quest. Participants likely can change their skill load-outs, upgrade weapons, choose their desired characters, and even buy items while in preparation. When all participants inform the host that they are all ready, the party can then embark on a quest. This design will be very familiar for Monster Hunter players as it works identically in most cases. Especially when Hunters gather in the Gathering Hall and select quests that they desire to complete.
Online Gameplay in Granblue Fantasy Relink
We all know that the general gameplay design of Granblue Fantasy Relink revolves around the Action Role-playing Genre hence, battles will be in real-time, and constant communication is required especially when tackling high difficulty level quests. We are expecting that there will be a series of progression on each quest, judging from the recent live streams and demos. Each Quest has different types of objectives and these objectives are the main point of interest of the party.
Rich Replayability by Engaging in Online Sessions
It is clear by now that the developers planned to engage their player base by providing end-game content with rich replayability. As mentioned previously, min-maxing characters and their gears will require a hefty grind especially when tackling max weapon and sigil upgrades. This design is by no means a new one since we can observe this kind of end-game loop in the Monster Hunter Series. Helping other players especially friends will add significant value to the table. Not only it offer a fun and engaging experience, but also more hours of gameplay.
Special Type of Quests in Granblue Fantasy Relink
Cygames stated that there will be no Login Bonuses for Granblue Fantasy Relink. What they prepared instead would be a special type of quest that will directly influence item drop rates. This could be rotating quests every week. There will likely be higher drop rates for certain items and it changes daily. In this manner, there is a lot of possibility at this point.