Skills in Granblue Fantasy Relink are powerful abilities that are unique to playable Characters. Skills are divided into two categories: Active and Support Skills, both of these types are unique per individual character and can be acquired by unlocking them in Masteries. This page will include information about how to unlock Skills, Character Starting Skills, Skill Effects, and how Skills can affect a Character Build. For a guide on Masteries, please check out the Masteries page.


Granblue Fantasy Relink Skills Guide

What are GBF Relink Skills

Skills are special attacks that can be activated by Granblue Fantasy Relink Characters. They play an important factor in combat because they define a character's advantage in battle and their play style. These special attacks often grant powerful buffs and healing elements which are both important in combat. In Granblue Fantasy Relink, most Skills are designed to inflict damage on Enemies, except for Healer-type characters like Io and Katalina. Although they can still learn Offensive Skills later on.

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Playable Characters in Granblue Fantasy Relink begin with two types of Skills: Active Skills and Support Skills. Active Skills are the ones that require a button to activate in combat, usually followed by a few seconds of animation. Active Skills are unique to each character and these help them fulfill their role in combat. On the other hand, Support Skills are the passive effects that augment individual characters and enhance their skills or increase their effectiveness in combat.

How to Unlock Skills in GBF Relink

You can unlock Skills after discovering Masteries in Chapter 1: The Western Frontier. After you arrive at Folca Town, this is the early part of the game where you will talk to different NPCs to explore. At the top of your list, you will see "Speak with Katalina", who is one of the OG characters, and is also known as Lyria’s sister and a retired Knight. All you need to do is talk to her and she will tell you about Mastery Points (MSP) and how to spend them. When you go to your Main Menu, you will see a new tab dedicated to Masteries. 

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Masteries is the tab where you will be unlocking your Skills. You will find 2 categories under Masteries: Offense and Defense categories. You can purchase a node that is equivalent to a Skill which requires Mastery Points (or MSP) to buy. 


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Granblue Fantasy Relink Skills Guide

Why Skills are Important in Granblue Fantasy Relink

The characters of Granblue Fantasy Relink showcase captivating and distinctive designs that immediately capture the eye. However, their appeal goes beyond aesthetics, as each character is equipped with a set of unique skills that determine their playstyles. With various Skills at their disposal, each character brings forth distinct combat effects and animations.

Skills are also one of the many ways you can inflict damage on your Enemies. Aside from your basic attack and charge attacks, Skill is a powerful move that can affect Enemies with debuffs, or apply positive buffs to allies, both of which will greatly determine the battle results.

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Skill Loadout in Granblue Fantasy Relink

All of the characters have access to different sets of skills that can be found in Masteries. This is a system of nodes that allow players to customize their Skill loadout by equipping up to four different unique skills. Skills can be used while in combat and this gives the user the freedom to experiment with their chosen characters and further improve them with skill upgrades. As you progress their Masteries, characters will have a greater damage output or buffing ability that they can use.

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Mastery Points in Granblue Fantasy Relink

Mastery Points refer to the currency needed to purchase skill nodes in the character's Mastery. Each of the characters has a progression independent from the others and it is important to properly allocate the Mastery Points that you have. Mastery Points in Granblue Fantasy Relink can be earned in various ways:

  • Mastery Points are earned as characters level up
  • Found in the field while exploring
  • Can be retrieved from Chests and Treasures
  • Normal Story Progression

In Grablue Fantasy Relink, Mastery Points (MSP) are shared across all characters despite having independent character progressions. At the moment, there's no respec mechanic or node refund that we have explored. MSP is a limited resource so before you purchase a node, make sure that you have decided on a path that you want to take for that character because you will be stuck with it. MSP is also shared across all characters despite them having individual progresses. In contrast, having shared MSP will let you prioritize the mastery of your preferred party members without having to spend MSP on characters that you don't use.

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Respec Mechanic of Skills and Mastery Points

Buying a Skill node is a commitment in Granblue Fantasy Relink because there are currently no respec options available. This means that Mastery nodes are permanent and can’t be reverted if you ever change your mind. Before buying a node, make sure that you are committed to this purchase, and a good practice to manage your Mastery Points is to view the skill effects, description, and MSP cost. You can see all of this on the right side of your screen before you unlock nodes. You can even scroll down to see all the other nodes available (for the meantime) as more nodes will unlock as you progress to plan your Skills. One other thing you can do is to pick a general play style for that character and try to stick with that.

Elemental Skills in Granblue Fantasy Relink

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Elemental Skills refer to the elemental damage a character is capable of inflicting on their enemies. Each character in Granblue Fantasy Relink is attuned to a single element and their skill loadouts will greatly depend on that Element. There are 6 Elements in play:

  • Wind
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Dark
  • Light

Id is one of the Characters you will unlock later on in the game. His elemental affinity is Dark, and he can cast Skills with the same element. From the icons, you will see that its color is heavily Purple which is also the same color used throughout the icons and other Dark skills. The color of the icons also changes depending on the elemental affinity of that character.

Unlocking Skills in Granblue Fantasy Relink

Every playable character undergoes a distinct progression journey. As characters accumulate levels through a series of encounters, they gain the capacity to advance their Masteries by gaining a special type of point to unlock nodes in a character's Masteries. Further Skills can be unlocked by unlocking more nodes in the said system.

The Skill nodes in Offense and Defense Mastery Progression are locked behind Main Story Progression. As you first unlock Masteries in Chapter 1: The Western Frontier, you will be able to unlock Skills only up to a certain level. As you get further down the Mastery nodes, you will see a red line with a note limiting the progression. Players will need to clear certain chapters before further skills will be unlocked, in this specific progression, Chapter 5: Shadows in the Snowscape is needed to be cleared to unlock the next set of Mastery Progression.

After that, players will need to continue navigating and completing the Main Story to unlock more Skills in Masteries nodes. This mechanic applies to both Offense and Defense Masteries.

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Endgame Skills in Masteries

After cleaning Final Chapter: Id, a new objective will guide players in Mastery Progression. At first, Mastery nodes are tied up to the Main Story Progression, where specific chapters need to be cleared to unlock Skill nodes in Mastery. After completing the Main Story, players will now aim to unlock Side Quests of higher difficulty to unlock more Skill Nodes. These Side Quests Difficulty are the following:

  • Hard
  • Very Hard
  • Extreme
  • Maniac
  • Proud

Side Quest difficulty is increased as you complete quests with a unique orange diamond marker found in the Quest Counter. Whenever you complete these challenging quests you will have access to higher difficulty which will also unlock Skill nodes in both Offense and Defense Mastery Progression.

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Skill Effects in Granblue Fantasy Relink

Skills can provide various Status Effects upon activation. Ranging from Offensive to Recovery, and even to Sealed Status Ailments, Characters in Granblue Fantasy Relink have a ton of Skill Effects to unlock.  These buffs and debuffs usually persist for a short duration or a character-specific condition. For example, Narmaya has a Take Flight Support Skill which enhances her Skills based on the current number of butterflies she has. This is only one of the Skill Effects that players can unlock, and all the other characters have their unique Skill conditions and effects.

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Skills can also be a self-buff or party buff. It will all boil down to which Skills and characters you will be prioritizing and the type of gameplay you want to create with the characters.

Character Starting Skills in Grablue Fantasy Relink

Every Granblue Fantasy Relink Character begins with 2 types of Skills: Active and Support Skills. The number of skills they have vary from one character to another but it's a minimum of 2 Skills together. Let's take a look at Io. Io is one of the healer-type of characters who specializes in spellcasting. She begins with 1 Active Skill called Healing WInd, which restores Allies' HP over time. Then, her Support Skill is called Enchanted, a Stargaze is chargeable up to 3 times based on how many Mystic Vortex orbs Io has. Landing a fully charged ▢ spell grants an orb. Of course, Io can still learn more skills and improve them by unlocking her Mastery nodes.

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Skills Unlocked After Recruiting With Crewmate Card

Another example is recruiting Ferry using a Crewmate Card. In the image above, you will see all the Skills that were unlocked. This shows a combination of 4 Active Skills and 2 Support Skills. We haven't confirmed exactly how the skills adapt or scale, but we can confirm that Skills do somehow scale with what is the current Character with the highest level in your party, which is usually The Captain's.

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    • Anonymous

      I'm prety sure MSP arn't limited, in fact there are limitless in form of quest reward, any chest in the game (like thes that you can open after kill a boss, via overkill bonus and more.

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