Enemies in Granblue Fantasy Relink features a compendium of hostile characters that players will encounter in the world of Skydom. Enemies such as both earthly and unearthly creatures. In Granblue Fantasy Relink, players will be engaging widely diversified enemies such as Dragons, Goblins, Humans, Primal Beasts, and more. Defeating these enemies will provide players rewards such as experience points, items, and other resources. Enemy drops will mostly be used as crafting materials in Granblue Fantasy to acquire new Weapons and Sigils. This page contains a list of all the available enemies featured in the game. Along with their pages that contain helpful information, lore, and location.

  • For a list of all GBF Relink Bosses, please visit the Bosses page.

Granblue Fantasy Relink All Creatures and Enemies


1.2.0 Enemies



ahriman granblue fantasy relink wiki guide min

Weaknesslight element icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide Light

This creature is a subspecies of cyaegha. Its movement patterns closely mirror maneuvers observed in its cousin, and they're just as aggressive when hunting prey. The lens of their giant eye has evolved to amass magical energy, making them highly sought after among the magic research community in recent times.




1.1.0 Enemies













wyvern granblue fantasy relink wiki guide

Weaknessfire element icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide Fire

These small, winged reptiles nest all over the Sky Realm. They resemble dragons but are not classified as such. Wyverns make for clever hunters, though they lack the higher faculty of reason. They attack airships on sight, understanding them to be valuable sources of food.



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