Combat for Granblue Fantasy Relink indicates the basic and advanced combat mechanics of the game, this includes basic interactions and movement. This page also covers various information on all of the combat mechanics such as utilization of Skills, Skybound Arts, Attack Combinations, Dodging, Combat Mechanics, and more. Additionally, we have provided helpful tips that you should know for Granblue Fantasy Relink in order to progress efficiently in the game.

Combat for Granblue Fantasy Relink

Combat is the greatest strength of Granblue Fantasy Relink. In this installment, action RPG players take the spotlight as the game takes a serious turn on high-speed and engaging action roleplaying game design which many players will surely love. Leaning towards an immersive and real-time combat. With a wide plethora of combat features and playable characters, this latest installment will surely deliver.

This page aims to cover and expound all the necessities that Combat requires such as basic attack combinations, dodging, and combat traversal. Additionally, this page will cover advanced combat features such as Skills, Skybound Arts, In-Game Combat Mechanics, Enemy Weaknesses, Stun Gauge, Link Attacks, and more. Making a comprehensive guide to help players progress effectively in Granblue Fantasy Relink.

Granblue Fantasy Relink Combat Topics

  • Skills
  • Skybound Arts
  • Stun Gauge
  • Link Attack
  • Chain Burst
  • Party Synergy
  • Enemy Weaknesses
  • Combat Strategies


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Granblue Fantasy Relink Combat Guide

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Combat in Granblue Fantasy Relink

Granblue Fantasy, once recognized for its traditional turn-based combat, has embraced a new gameplay direction in its latest installment, Granblue Fantasy Relink, by shifting towards the Action Role-Playing Genre. This iteration differentiates itself with a combat system characterized by fluid and intuitive controls, seamlessly fusing responsiveness with depth. Players can effortlessly perform basic attacks, string together combos, and unleash potent skills, including group combination attacks, with well-timed button presses. Despite this accessibility, the combat's depth remains uncompromised, allowing advanced players to explore intricate combos and masterful techniques.

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Normal Attack Combos in Granblue Fantasy Relink

All characters in Granblue Fantasy Relink are capable of performing normal attack combinations to deal damage to their targets. Like any other Action Role Playing Game, this will be the basic attack movesets to setup larger-scale attacks or perform special skills that will deal a greater amount of damage or add positive or negative to allies or enemies.

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Skills in Granblue Fantasy Relink

The characters featured in Granblue Fantasy Relink boast distinctive designs, capturing the eye with their visual appeal. Beyond their aesthetic charm, these characters come equipped with unique skills that intricately define their playstyles. Offering a diverse array of skills, each character possesses distinct effects and animations, with the ability to equip up to four skills during combat. Players are allowed to equip four different skills in combat.

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Stun Gauge in Granblue Fantasy Relink

Stun Gauge in Granblue Fantasy Relink is an enemy special gauge that accumulates when being attacked continuously. When the Stun Gauge has been filled, targets will be susceptible to Link Attacks and they will flinch. Thus, it is advisable to focus on one target at a time to take advantage of this mechanic and make the enemy suffer more damage in the long run.

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Link Attack in Granblue Fantasy

In correlation to Stun Gauge, once the enemy receives continuous attacks from the users, their Stun Gauge will be filled. Once the Stun Gauge is filled, players can now deal with Link Attacks to the said target. A special skill that can only be performed in groups. Performing group-oriented actions with Link-Attacks increases Link Level.

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When the Link Level reaches 100%, and all members perform a Link Attack, the system will then allow the user a temporary boost that is called Link Time. During this special window time, enemies will be slower, and greatly buff the entire party's stats to deal massive amounts of damage to their targets.

Party Synergy and End-Game Content

To succeed in combat, players need to strategize and coordinate their actions effectively. The game emphasizes the importance of party synergy, where each character can offer unique advantages and abilities. By utilizing the strengths of each party member and coordinating their attacks, players can unleash devastating combos and overcome challenging encounters. Mixing and matching party members to find the best strategies to bear certain bosses will provide hours of engaging and
immersive experience.

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Granblue Fantasy Relink provides players with a wealth of content to explore even after completing the main quest line. With roughly 20 to 30 hours of main quest gameplay, players can expect additional hours of gameplay with challenging endgame content which is the majority will be spent in Combat. The game offers over 100 hours of gameplay in the hardest difficulty mode, providing a satisfying and rewarding experience for players seeking a greater challenge.

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Thus it is advisable to master combat mechanics and party synergy to overcome the hardest challenges that the game can offer. According to recent interviews and livestreams from the developers, the party must indeed communicate properly to beat the said challenges. Since this is an Action Role-playing title, polished skills are required. End-game challenges will provide an immersive and satisfying for the hardcore players as the developers mentioned that these fights are well-designed and post-a treat will unlikely be completed without proper communication.

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From our perspective, we see Granblue Fantasy Relink's end-game content is comparable with Final Fantasy XIV's Raids but not completely alike. One team consists of four members and players who built the said team are required to communicate properly and synergize with each other in terms of skills and timing.

Equipment in Granblue Fantasy Relink

Granblue Fantasy Relink features characters with distinct playstyles and abilities, providing a varied array of combat possibilities. Players have the flexibility to personalize their characters' playstyles and make strategic decisions by customizing weapons and sigils.

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As the game unfolds, players can unlock additional abilities and talents for their characters, enhancing their combat options even more.

Skybound Arts in Granblue Fantasy Relink

In Granblue Fantasy, beyond individual skills, allies or characters showcase potent signature movesets during combat. A recurring element in the Granblue Fantasy franchise, Skybound Arts, remains a noteworthy feature in Granblue Fantasy Relink. While characters exhibit a range of lethal and supportive skills, Skybound Arts stands apart as a distinct entity. To activate these powerful attacks or special moves, characters must fill their SBA Gauge, granting them access to unleash their Skybound Arts.

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These devastating maneuvers are often portrayed cinematically, enhancing the impact of their execution. Not only do Skybound Arts have strong damage-damaging skills and halt enemy movements, but these special moves most of the time provide an immersive and pleasing experience, as the executions are top-notch and very well-designed.

Chain Burst in Granblue Fantasy Relink

When Skybound Arts are not enough to fill the player's hunger for action, Granblue Fantasy Relink tops it off with Chain Burst. Another cinematic execution that involves all of the party members. Players can engage and do Chain Burst after all of the party members performed successive Skybound Arts, a follow-up blast will occur. Dealing even more damage to targets. Like Skybound Arts, Chain Burts consists of unique lines and is often executed in a cinematic way.

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Dodging in Granblue Fantasy Relink

Of course, what is an Action Role-playing game without regular dodges? In Granblue Fantasy Relink, players will be dealing with a lot of battle mechanics aside from normal enemy attacks. And to avoid the said perils, a regular evade can be performed. Evades often provide a brief invincible frame to the one performing to avoid incoming damage.

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Healing in Granblue Fantasy Relink

Healing is one of the basic aspects of a Role Playing game in general. Granblue Fantasy Relink will be no different in this aspect. Players can heal their party members by the use of potions, special skills, and sometimes, Skybound Arts. Paying attention to your party members' health points is a standard strategy so they can avoid dying in Combat.

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Supportive Buffs and Debuffs in Granblue Fantasy Relink

Paying attention to your party members is a must however, also keep in mind that players are allowed to take advantage of positive buffs that often time provide massive boosts to each individual's stats. These buffs range from Health Regeneration, Attack, and Defense Buff, or movement Speed Buff. Specific characters in Granblue Fantasy Relink are capable of providing the said buffs.

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On the other side of the spectrum, debuffs are also can be advantageous in combat so pay attention to this as well. Massive debuffs to enemies will surely increase the chances of your victory by letting enemies suffer with negative status effects which cripple their stats drastically.

Diverse Characters in Granblue Fantasy Relink

Granblue Fantasy Relink offers a diverse range of characters, encompassing robust bruisers, nimble warriors, and strategic buffers and debuffs. Players can anticipate a variety of playstyles within this cast of uniquely designed characters, ensuring that everyone discovers a character that aligns with their preferred gameplay. Those who appreciate a dynamic experience, constantly switching between characters to explore new facets of the game, will find ample satisfaction in the array of offerings each character brings to the table.

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With over 16 characters to choose from, players can find a character that suits their preferred combat style and strategy. Whether it's The Captain, Katalina, Rackam, Io, Eugen, Rosetta, Ferry, Lancelot, Vane, or any other character, each offers a distinct advantage and adds depth to the gameplay. Master each of the character's strengths and weaknesses, and use them effectively to conquer your adversaries in the game.

Unified Group in Granblue Fantasy Relink

Granblue Fantasy Relink is an exciting and dynamic combat system that keeps players engaged and entertained throughout their gameplay experience. The game features fast-paced action-RPG combat with solo and AI co-op party gameplay, allowing players to team up with their companions or allies to take on challenging quests and battles.

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Bosses in Granblue Fantasy Relink

In every Japanese Role-Playing game, Bosses are types of enemies that have a distinctive design. Not only can their design capture one's eye, but these enemy types often pose a threat to the players and often block the player's progress. Granblue Fantasy Relink is no different.

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It will feature a vast array of interesting bosses that range from behemoths, large goblins, dragons, humanoid types, and more. In this installment, each boss will pose a threat by performing unique combat mechanics in the field and players need to figure out how to avoid these certain attacks.


GBF Relink Exploration and Combat Guides

Camera and Movement Controls

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During this tutorial, players will be taught to control the camera movements with the R joystick while being able to control the players' character with the L joystick to get a better visualization of the environment around them. Allowing for a better and smoother exploration experience.


Lock on

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Locking onto enemies by pressing L1 will help players follow the target to be able to track them while attacking them. Players are also able to swap targets by using the Right joystick as well when having to deal with multiple targets at once or after finishing off a target.



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Guarding by holding L2 helps the player from avoiding getting damaged from the enemies they are facing, however if you guard too much you will be temporarily dazed due to guard break. 



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At the lower right of the screen, players can see their skills and they can press X, , , or △ to activate a skill, some skills cooldown while some skills can be used multiple times.


Skybound Arts

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The yellow bar under the green health bar is the player's Skybound Arts. Once this bar is full the player can release a powerful attack by simultaneously pressing L3 and R3.

Jumping and Dashing

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Jumping with X and Dashing by pressing down the Left joystick will not only help players get through the environment in the game but also help the players and their teams evade the various packs of enemies will encounter on their quests. 



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Players will have basic attacks to attack enemies by using and will learn this in the tutorial section from the selection menu, players will be able to mix in combos by pressing and be able to perform a unique attack.



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Players can dodge out of attacks and can do multiple dodges, however the more dodges done, the more open players will be to the enemy to attack.


Link Attack

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The enemies have a blue bar that is called a stun gauge, players can fill this blue bar up by constantly attacking the enemy. Upon filling up the blue bar, players can perform a link attack.


Chain Burst

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When your team also performs Skybound Arts at the same time, this will trigger the final powerful attack which is called a chain burst. This is where you and your team deliver the final blow to the enemies.

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