
Skybound Protector

katalina portrait allies granblue fantasy relink wiki guide 250px
Race Human
Element water element icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide Water
Combat Style Balanced
Skybound Art Blades of Frost
Weapon Specialty Sabre

Katalina is an Ally Character in Granblue Fantasy Relink. Katalina is one of the early allies that is automatically recruited in the game, she is a support-type character that is recommended to be included in The Captain's party to utilize her balanced combat style while utilizing her skills in healing and defense. Allies or Companions in Granblue Fantasy Relink are recruitable characters that join The Captain's party in both exploration and combat.

They are all unique in many ways such as the element they control, weapon specialization, combat style, personality, and appearance. In Granblue Fantasy Relink, players can make a party of 4 where the leftmost slot is the one the player controls, but in the main story, The Captain must be in the party for the main story, otherwise, they can play as any character they like.


Katalina once swore an oath of knighthood to the Erste Empire, but those days are long behind her. Her knightly duty continues, though now in the service of protecting Lyria.


GBF Relink Katalina Table of Contents

  1. Granblue Fantasy Relink How to Recruit Katalina
  2. Granblue Fantasy Relink Katalina Combat Guide
  3. Granblue Fantasy Relink Katalina All Skills
  4. Granblue Fantasy Relink Katalina All Weapons
  5. Granblue Fantasy Relink Katalina Video Guides
  6. Granblue Fantasy Relink Katalina Command List
  7. Granblue Fantasy Relink Katalina Fate Episodes
  8. Granblue Fantasy Relink Katalina Notes & Tips


How to Recruit Katalina in GBF Relink

  • Katalina is one of the primary characters that are playable upon starting the main campaign of the game. She is automatically added to the list of party members in Chapter 1: The Western Frontier.


Katalina Combat Guide for Granblue Fantasy Relink

A former knight of the Erste Empire, Kataline fights to protect Lyria. Wielding a magic sword, she's an adept warrior who adapts to any situation.

Katalina can create various combos by using and . However, if players continuously press Katalina will be able to unleash a sweeping slash attack. Once Katalina's Ares gauge is full upon pulling off several combos, she will be able to summon primal beasts Ares to enhance her combos, skills, as well as her Skybound Art.

Katalina's Offensive attacks rely on a combination of melee and ranged attack options her sword and Water attacks and Skills. She has a balance of offensive and supportive abilities that can be used to benefit other allies, which can further be enhanced when the Ares gauge is filled, making her a flexible addition to the party. This makes her one of the best hybrid character allies available on the roster. 

Katalina has a plain skill with that gives Katalina the ability to be invincible, not only to herself but to the entire part as well. Her next water skill with  allows Katalina to make a fast piercing lunge attack, this deals more damage to enemies while attacking with Ares. Pressing is another one of Katalina's water skills. This is a ranged ice attack that Katalina can cast twice before entering the cooldown stage for this skill. This skill also deals more damage to enemies while attacking with Ares. Pressing △ is a skill that allows Katalina to heal her team's HP with a circle around her. The wider the area, the more HP the team will gain, also while Ares is summoned.

When using Katalina both offensively and as support, players are recommended to focus on filling up her Ares gauge. When filled, players will gain access to Katalina's improved selection skills and abilities, and can then choose how they want to approach the fight next from the set of skills. A regular skill such as the Light Wall which can generally grant invincibility to Katalina, can be further enhanced to extend this ability to the entire party when the Ares Gauge is filled and used on this skill. This is a powerful buff that can apply to any skill, allowing players to choose which skill is the most appropriate in the situation when the Ares gauge is filled. Depending on the state of the rest of the party, if needed, players can opt for an enhanced healing skill once the gauge is filled, or when prioritizing an offensive approach, then her Water Skills, Enchanted Lands, and Frozen Blade are also available to cast a ranged attack or a quick lunge that increases hits when attacking with Ares.


GBF Relink Katalina List of Skills

Offense Skills

  • Azure Sword: Summons Ares to attack foes in front of Katalina and temporarily maxes out the Ares gauge.
  • Enchanted Lands: A fast, piercing lung attack. Deals more hits when attacking with Ares.
  • Frozen Blade: A ranged ice spell that can be cast twice in a row before entering cooldown. Deals more hits when attacking with Ares.
  • Sacred Winds: Casts an ice spell that inflicts Glaciate. Hold while casting to prolong the duration. Area of effect widens while Ares is summoned.
  • Winter's Rain: A multi-hit attack that deals  high amount of stun. Deals more whites when attacking with Ares.

Defense Skills

  • Emerald Shield: Grants DEF↑ and Stout Heart to Katalina. Grants both buffs to the entire party instead while Ares is summoned.
  • Heal: Casts a circle that restores allies' HP. Heals more HP over a wider area while Ares is summoned.
  • Light Wall: Grant Invincibility to Katalina. Grants Invincibility to the entire party instead while Ares is summoned.


Support Skills

  • Blue Radiance: Allows Ares to temporarily join Katalina's attack when the Ares gauge is full. Perform a combo finisher, link attack, or skill to summon Ares.
  • Vow by the Sword: Katalina's skills and Skybound Art are enhanced while Ares is summoned.



GBF Relink Katalina Weapons

Lvl hp icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide atk icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide crit hit rate icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide stun power icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide
Rukalsa 1 23 9 0% 0
Murgleis 65 746 143 0% 0
Ephemeron 40 290 70 0% 0
Luminiera Sword Omega 65 542 109 0% 0
Flame Rapier 65 644 120 0% 0
Blutgang 1 99 1540 0% 0


Katalina Character Video Guides for Granblue Fantasy Relink


Katalina Granblue Fantasy Relink Command List

Note:  Fills Ares gauge on hit / Summons Ares when gauge is full

Attack Name Description
Combo A
Combo B ▢ > ▢ > 
Combo C ▢ > ▢ > ▢ > 
Combo D ▢ > ▢ > ▢ > ▢ (spam) > 
Combo E △ > △ > 
Air Combo (While airborne) ▢ > ▢ > ▢ > 
Aerial Barrage (While airborne) 


Katalina Fate Episodes

Fate Episodes are a special feature in the game wherein players get to see each Ally's point of view of the events that happen throughout the story. Each Episode is a fully-voiced diary entry of sorts that allows the player to peer into the mind of the character as the story progresses. More Fate Episodes are unlocked as players progress through the story, as the characters level up, and as players complete more Fate Episodes. Completing Fate Episodes rewards players with stat bonuses and even unlocks slots for equipping Sigils.




Prologue: Lyria's Guardian None HP +10
ATK +3
Episode 1: A Vow Witnessed by the Skies Finish Prologue HP +15
ATK +5
Episode 2: A World You Will Come to Know Finish Episode 1 HP +20
ATK +7
Episode 3 Character level 10 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 2
HP +25
ATK +10
Episode 4 Character level 10 or higher
Finish Episode 3
Additional Sigil Slot +1
Episode 5 Character level 20 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 4
HP +50
ATK +15
Episode 6 Character level 30 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 5
HP +70
ATK +20
Episode 7 Character level 40 or higher
Finish Episode 6
HP +100
ATK +25
Episode 8 Character level 50 or higher
Finish Episode 7
Additional Sigil Slot +1
Episode 9 Character level 60 or higher
Finish Episode 8
HP +150
ATK +30
Epilogue Character level 60 or higher
Finish Episode 9
HP +200
ATK +50


Katalina Tips and Notes



Granblue Fantasy Relink All Allies
Cagliostro  ♦  Caligostro  ♦  Charlotta  ♦  Eugen  ♦  Ferry  ♦  Ghandagoza  ♦  Id  ♦  Io  ♦  Lancelot  ♦  Narmaya  ♦  Percival  ♦  Rackam  ♦  Rolan  ♦  Rosetta  ♦  Seofon  ♦  Siegfried  ♦  The Captain  ♦  Tweyen  ♦  Vane  ♦  Vaseraga  ♦  Yodarha  ♦  Zeta

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