
Ephemeral Blade

narmaya portrait allies granblue fantasy relink wiki guide 250px
Race Draph
Element dark element icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide Dark
Combat Style Attack
Skybound Art Butterfly Effect: Moonrise
Weapon Specialty Katana

Narmaya is an Ally Character in Granblue Fantasy Relink. Narmaya is an ephemeral warrior who unleashes captivating attacks as she switches between two stances of speed and range, she can rush toward an enemy to surprise them with deadly swings. Allies or Companions in Granblue Fantasy Relink are recruitable characters that join The Captain's party in both exploration and combat.

They are all unique in many ways such as the element they control, weapon specialization, combat style, personality, and appearance. In Granblue Fantasy Relink, players can make a party of 4 where the leftmost slot is the one the player controls, but in the main story, The Captain must be in the party for the main story, otherwise, they can play as any character they like.


Born to a clan renowned for their mastery of all forms of martial arts, this swordswoman trains every day in order to reach even greater heights.


GBF Relink Narmaya Table of Contents

  1. Granblue Fantasy Relink How to Recruit Narmaya
  2. Granblue Fantasy Relink Narmaya Combat Guide
  3. Granblue Fantasy Relink Narmaya All Skills
  4. Granblue Fantasy Relink Narmaya All Weapons
  5. Granblue Fantasy Relink Narmaya Video Guides
  6. Granblue Fantasy Relink Narmaya Command List
  7. Granblue Fantasy Relink Narmaya Fate Episodes
  8. Granblue Fantasy Relink Narmaya Notes & Tips


How to Recruit Narmaya in GBF Relink


Narmaya Combat Guide for Granblue Fantasy Relink

Narmaya is a blademaster who combined her family's martial arts with magic to form her own unique blade techniques. She employs two distinct stances in battle.

Narmaya has two skills she can switch to which are Freeflutter stance and Dawnfly stance with . Freeflutter allows Narmaya to perform fast combos in Dawnfly. If charged, her attacks will hit all foes within the area. Narmaya is able to seamlessly switch between stances from Freeflutter Stance to Dawnfly stance during Combat with a press of a button . Switching stances grants access to another set of attack combinations. Granblue Fantasy Relink combat relies on a lot of visual indicators and markings. If you pay attention to the available attacks and abilities toward the lower right side of the screen during combat, there will be an indicator of the best time to switch stances. Once you make it a habit, you will improve your timings in battle and will have a smoother flow in combat. 

When Narmaya lands a charged attack with ▢ while in Dawnfly stance or upon completing a Freeflutter combo, she gains a butterfly. Players can accumulate butterflies that will enhance the next skill that players use and are automatically consumed during skill activation. You can accumulate and spend just the minimum amount of butterflies when they are gained. However, saving up your butterflies will maximize the effects or damage output of the next attack so you will be rewarded in battle for being patient when it comes to spending your butterflies with Narymaya. 

Narmaya is a high-damage blade master who uses her Katana to swiftly deliver heavy attacks during Combat. Her heavy attacks are still complemented by her swift ability to maneuver around the combat area. This combination allows her to disengage from nearby opponents and easily engage with them. Narmaya is great for players who enjoy countering attacks and strategical combos. 

She has a variety of combat approaches and accumulates butterflies to gain buffs to her attacks much like the accumulating gauges that other characters have which can be filled with successive attacks and used to buff other skills and attacks. You only need to collect a couple of butterflies, and then from there decide which skill you want to apply the buff to based on the situation. 

A couple of her skills are contrasting opposites, which can either pull her away or bring her opponents closer with an attack. Kyokasuigetsu is a quick distance-closing lunge that deals more with this based on your accumulated butterflies. You will want to use this if your target is at a distance, then follow this up with an aggressive set of attacks. If your character is overwhelmed, you can apply the opposite with Crescent Moon, which instead, unleashes a long-range slash and allows Narmaya to jump back, repositioning her away from the target. Players can choose either of the two depending on the position of Narmaya relative to the targets around her or whether they want to begin a more aggressive approach or avoid an upcoming attack from a foe nearby. Her two other attacks deliver a chargeable heavy slash and allow her to parry which can be a very satisfying counter in response to any incoming attacks.

When in combat with Narmaya, you want to use her abilities with her attacks as much as possible to increase the efficiency of the speed of her charge. A distinct characteristic of her attack is the way it charges up and the displayed range that will eventually surround her. Charging up her cleave attack alone without using an accompanying ability makes the charge significantly slower. However, when used with an ability, the charge marker surface area will expand much faster. Narmaya is all about attack patterns, learning when to switch stances, and when to use  her charged attacks. Find a good attack rhythm to reduce the charge time in order to maximize her attacks to efficiently gain butterflies and further increase her efficiency throughout combat. Players who have mastered Narmaya can then rely on repetition and patterns to optimize the use of this character. This applied to her basic kit which can still be further enhanced as she unlocks more abilities with the game's progress. The same strategy will apply to her more advanced kit.  Those with access to Narmaya can practice the timings and how efficiently she can gain butterflies through the different actions, stance swapping, and attacks in training. Overall, her skills and attacks offer a good offensive variety that is ideal for players who enjoy a strategic approach and value timing in combat.


GBF Relink Narmaya List of Skills

Offense Skills

  • Apex of Nothingness: Narmaya readies to parry and counter. She inflicts Slow and removes 1 buff from a foe on hit. Effect duration and damage is based on butterfly count.
  • Crescent Moon: Unleashes a long-ranged slash while jumping back. Skill strength is based on butterfly count.
  • Dance of Pink Petals: Grants ATK↑, Stout Heart, and Supplementary DMG to Narmaya. She also gains 3 butterflies.
  • Setsuna: A chargeable frontal slash. Charges faster based on butterfly count.
  • Kyokasuigetsu: A fast lunging slash attack. Deals more hits based on butterfly count.
  • Transient: A multi-hit assault that differs based on stance. Deals more hits based on butterfly count.
  • Utter Devotion: Grantsy Hostility↑ to Narmaya, and inflicts DEF↓ on nearby foes. She also gains 3 butterflies.

Defense Skills


Support Skills

  • Butterfly Effect: Narmaya can switch between Dawnfly stance and Freeflutter stance. Her skills and ▢ attacks perform differently based on her stance.
  • Take Flight: Narmaya's skills are enhanced based on the number of butterflies she has. Landing specific attacks and link attacks grants butterflies.



GBF Relink Narmaya Weapons

Lvl hp icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide atk icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide crit hit rate icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide stun power icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide
Nakamaki Nodachi 50 575 68 0% 0
Venustas 65 746 143 0% 0
Blade of Purification 40 290 70 0% 0
Fluorithium Blade 65 542 109 0% 0
Kotetsu 65 644 120 0% 0
Ameno Habakiri 1 99 1540 0% 0


Narmaya Character Video Guides for Granblue Fantasy Relink


Narmaya Granblue Fantasy Relink Command List

Note:  Gain a butterfly on hit

Attack Name Description
Stance Shift
Dawnfly Combo   >  >  > 
Dawnfly Zone Attack ▢ (Hold)
Stance Shift Combo ▢ (Hold) > (Perfect) 
Freeflutter Combo ▢ > ▢ > ▢ > ▢ (Spam) >
Stance Shift Combo ▢ > ▢ > ▢ > ▢ (Spam) > ▢↑ > (Perfect) 
Launch (Right after juping) 
Air Combo (While airborne)  >  >  > 
Aerial Barrage (While airborne) 


Narmaya Fate Episodes

Fate Episodes are a special feature in the game wherein players get to see each Ally's point of view of the events that happen throughout the story. Each Episode is a fully-voiced diary entry of sorts that allows the player to peer into the mind of the character as the story progresses. More Fate Episodes are unlocked as players progress through the story, as the characters level up, and as players complete more Fate Episodes. Completing Fate Episodes rewards players with stat bonuses and even unlocks slots for equipping Sigils.




Prologue None TBA
Episode 1 Finish Prologue TBA
Episode 2 Finish Episode 1 TBA
Episode 3 Character level 10 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 2
Episode 4 Character level 10 or higher
Finish Episode 3
Episode 5 Character level 20 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 4
Episode 6 Character level 30 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 5
Episode 7 Character level 40 or higher
Finish Episode 6
Episode 8 Character level 50 or higher
Finish Episode 7
Episode 9 Character level 60 or higher
Finish Episode 8
Epilogue Character level 60 or higher
Finish Episode 9


Narmaya Tips and Notes



Granblue Fantasy Relink All Allies
Cagliostro  ♦  Caligostro  ♦  Charlotta  ♦  Eugen  ♦  Ferry  ♦  Ghandagoza  ♦  Id  ♦  Io  ♦  Katalina  ♦  Lancelot  ♦  Percival  ♦  Rackam  ♦  Rolan  ♦  Rosetta  ♦  Siegfried  ♦  The Captain  ♦  Vane  ♦  Vaseraga  ♦  Yodarha  ♦  Zeta

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