
Skybound Navigator

rackam portrait allies granblue fantasy relink wiki guide 250px
Race Human
Element fire element icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide Fire
Combat Style Special, DPS
Skybound Art Piercing Punishment
Weapon Specialty Rifle

Rackam is an Ally Character in Granblue Fantasy Relink. Rackam is one of the early allies that is automatically recruited in the game, he is an attack-type character who specializes in long-range attacks, inflicting critical damage, learning melee moves, and using fire-based skills. Allies or Companions in Granblue Fantasy Relink are recruitable characters that join The Captain's party in both exploration and combat.

They are all unique in many ways such as the element they control, weapon specialization, combat style, personality, and appearance. In Granblue Fantasy Relink, players can make a party of 4 where the leftmost slot is the one the player controls, but in the main story, The Captain must be in the party for the main story, otherwise, they can play as any character they like.


Helmsman of the airship Grandcypher, he can be as untamed as the open skies.


GBF Relink Rackam Table of Contents

  1. Granblue Fantasy Relink How to Recruit Rackam
  2. Granblue Fantasy Relink Rackam Combat Guide
  3. Granblue Fantasy Relink Rackam All Skills
  4. Granblue Fantasy Relink Rackam All Weapons
  5. Granblue Fantasy Relink Rackam Video Guides
  6. Granblue Fantasy Relink Rackam Command List
  7. Granblue Fantasy Relink Rackam Fate Episodes
  8. Granblue Fantasy Relink Rackam Notes & Tips


How to Recruit Rackam in GBF Relink

  • Rackam is one of the primary characters that are playable upon starting the main campaign of the game. Hhe is automatically added to the list of party members in Chapter 1: The Western Frontier.


Rackam Combat Guide for Granblue Fantasy Relink

Rackam is a man of the skies tasked with helming the Grandcypher. His two guns allow him to cover allies at both long and close range.

When players press , it will fire once or they can hold it to let out a 3-shot burst. He has a chargeable attack that increases range and damage with . To fill the Heat gauge, players will need to use Rackam's skills and attacks with . While his △ attack will charge the Heat gauge faster and higher.

Rackam is one of the few ranged damage dealers in the game, and is a great DPS character. He is a great asset to a party because of his ranged abilities and raining attacks that can deal significant damage to a surrounding group of opponents or Enemies. For Rackam, you will want to play aggressively to constantly fill up his heat gauge, which fills up as he continues to attack and use his offensive skills during a Combat encounter. When his heat gauge is filled, his Bullseye Blast attack does increasingly more damage, which rewards the players for relentlessly attacking to continuously maximize his blast and maximize overall damage output in combat. 

Rackam has a plain skill named Wild Gunsmoke, players can use the button which grants an attack boost of 50% and a critical hit rate of 30% while also inflicting a lowered defense of 30% towards Rackam. This attack will max out the heat gauge instantly and then temporarily stop the gauge from decreasing. One of his Fire skills is Spitfire by hitting the button , this is a ranged attack that decreases the defense on enemies for 10% upon getting hit. His second fire attack is Bullet Hail by pressing the , Rackam performs a ranged attack that will cover a wide area of raining bullets for a brief moment.

His set of skills and attacks make him easy to use in a continuous pattern by repeating the steps of his attacks to fill up his heat gauge and be able to use his blast attacks in rotation. The most efficient way to begin Combat with Rackam is to start with his Wild Gunsmoke skill which then grants an increase in ATK and Critical Hit Rate, and instantly maxes out his Heat gauge and stops it from decreasing. This is followed by spitfire to lower foes' Defense, and then Bullet Hail to cover the area and inflict damage to nearby foes while Defense is lowered. Finally, continuously take advantage of the Bullseye shot throughout the cycle until the Wild Gunsmoke's unlimited heat gauge buff ends, then repeat the process. 


GBF Relink Rackam List of Skills

Offense Skills

  • Bullet Hail: A ranged attack that showers a wide area with bullets for a period of time.
  • Coffinmaker: Hold while activating to fire a constant stream of bullets. Can be activated when even the skill is cooling down.
  • Collateral Damage: Fires a devastating blast that damages Rackam and all foes within its blast radius.
  • Double Tap: Temporarily increases the number of hits dealt by ▢ attacks.
  • Slag Shot: Fires wind-element bullets that explode on contact.
  • Spitfire: A range attack that inflicts DEF on foes'
  • Wild Gunsmoke: Grants ATK ↑ and Critical Hit Rate , and inflicts DEF on Rackam. Instantly maces out the Heat gauge and temporarily stops the gauge from decreasing.

Defense Skills

  • Duration: A continuous dodging maneuver that can be controlled with the left stick. Maxes out the Heat gauge when dodging an attack with Duration.


Support Skills

  • Rhythmic Trigger: Allows Rackman to fire 3-shot bursts by long-pressing ▢. Burst-fire attacks deal more damage when chained together with perfect timing.
  • Sleight of Hand: Bull's Eye Blast charges faster depending on how high the Heat gauge is Landing ▢ attacks and link attacks fills the gauge



GBF Relink Rackam Weapons

Lvl hp icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide atk icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide crit hit rate icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide stun power icon granblue fantasy relink wiki guide
Flintspike 10 95 18 0% 0
Benedia 65 746 143 0% 0
Stormcloud 65 505 135 0% 0
Tiamat Bolt Omega 40 302 59 0% 0
Wheellock Axe 65 644 120 0% 0
Freikugel 1 99 1540 0% 0


Rackam Character Video Guides for Granblue Fantasy Relink


Rackam Granblue Fantasy Relink Command List

Note:  Raises Heat gauge on hit

Attack Name Description
Attack ↑ (Hold) (Fires a 3-shot burst)
Bull's Eye Blast △ (Hold) (Chargeable up to 3 times)
Air Combo (While airborne) > > 
Aerial Barrage (While airborne) 


Rackam Fate Episodes

Fate Episodes are a special feature in the game wherein players get to see each Ally's point of view of the events that happen throughout the story. Each Episode is a fully-voiced diary entry of sorts that allows the player to peer into the mind of the character as the story progresses. More Fate Episodes are unlocked as players progress through the story, as the characters level up, and as players complete more Fate Episodes. Completing Fate Episodes rewards players with stat bonuses and even unlocks slots for equipping Sigils.




Prologue: Blue Skies Ahoy None HP +10
ATK +3
Episode 1: Fantasy vs. Reality Finish Prologue HP +15
ATK +5
Episode 2: Back at the Wheel Finish Episode 1 HP +20
ATK +7
Episode 3 Character level 10 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 2
HP +25
ATK +10
Episode 4 Character level 10 or higher
Finish Episode 3
Additional Sigil Slot +1
Episode 5 Character level 20 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 4
HP +50
ATK +15
Episode 6 Character level 30 or higher
Progress through the main story
Finish Episode 5
HP +70
ATK +20
Episode 7 Character level 40 or higher
Finish Episode 6
HP +100
ATK +25
Episode 8 Character level 50 or higher
Finish Episode 7
Additional Sigil Slot +1
Episode 9 Character level 60 or higher
Finish Episode 8
HP +150
ATK +30
Epilogue Character level 60 or higher
Finish Episode 9
HP +200
ATK +50


Rackam Tips and Notes



Granblue Fantasy Relink All Allies
Cagliostro  ♦  Caligostro  ♦  Charlotta  ♦  Eugen  ♦  Ferry  ♦  Ghandagoza  ♦  Id  ♦  Io  ♦  Katalina  ♦  Lancelot  ♦  Narmaya  ♦  Percival  ♦  Rolan  ♦  Rosetta  ♦  Seofon  ♦  Siegfried  ♦  The Captain  ♦  Tweyen  ♦  Vane  ♦  Vaseraga  ♦  Yodarha  ♦  Zeta

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